What is the repair of electrical systems in BMW?
Repair of electrical systems in BMW cars is very much related to damage and malfunction of controllers built into the vehicle. Modern BMW models, due to their very rich equipment, have an extensive network of connections and transmissions in the form of analog CAN networks and digital (fiber-optic) networks, which have been commonly used so far.

BMW FRM controllers after flooding
Any repair of electrical systems is always preceded by a full computer diagnosis of the vehicle. In the case of transmission or power supply errors, a specific section of the network, or power wiring harnesses including plugs, pins, protections and the like are repaired.
The most difficult type of electrical system repairs are post-accident repairs and after a vehicle has been flooded or submerged. A particular type of vehicle flooding is the action of seawater, which, through its salt content (an electrical conductor), causes considerable havoc to the operation of electrical components.

BMW FRM Controls
At what time will the electrical system be repaired?
The time required to repair the electrical system includes both the time required for diagnostics and finding the damaged part of the system, including the dismantling of equipment components and replacement or repair. Given the very large number of controllers and the rich standard equipment of BMW vehicles, we take this into account in the estimated repair time. Electrical and transmission installations are usually protected by additional covers, hence access to them is very difficult.
In the case of post-flood repairs, it is necessary to completely dismantle body components and replace large sections of electrical harnesses and many controllers and electrical components. This also increases the time for this type of repair.

The only BMW model that stands up well to prolonged contact with water | By Limeydal [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL]
What are the components that make up the cost of repairing a BMW’s electrical system?
The cost of electrical system repair includes:
- diagnostics,
- cost of parts – electrical harnesses, controllers, fuses)
- the cost of labor – including removal and installation of equipment,
- repair of installations,
- replacement of controllers,
- programming and coding.
The cost estimate for the repair of the installation is always determined and agreed with the customer before the work begins.

BMW on water | By Spanish Coches [CC BY 2.0]