Excerpt from BMW database on defective airbag (airbag) Takata

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Factory defective airbags in BMWs can cause injuries to the driver or passengers, as we have written about in detail in our blog. The only way to check if your car has a defective Takata airbag is to verify the VIN number in the BMW AG database.

Within one business day, a BM Cars service representative will check the database on your behalf, and then send you an extract as a PDF file. In addition, we will write our recommendation on what to do in the given situation.

This statement is part of the Vehicle Service History.

This technical advice is done online and does not require a physical visit to our service center. We offer it to all BMW owners, including those residing or living abroad.

The generated PDF file will allow you to:

  • reliably verify whether there is a defective airbag (airbag) in your car,
  • showing the defective component, in case of purchase/sale of the car,
  • possible appointment of repair at ASO.